Yn wastad gyda Duw

Forever with the Lord

Yn wastad gyda Duw!
  Boed hyny i mi, Amen!
Trwy borth marwolaeth
    af i fyw
  Am byth tu fewn i'r llen.
Wyf yma heb fy Naf
  Yn mhell o'm nefol wlad,
Er hyn, bob nos,
    fy mhabell wnaf
  Yn nes i dŷ fy Nhad.

Mor agos ambell waith
  I dreiddiol olwg ffydd,
Yw tŷ fy Nhad a phen fy nhaith,
  A thoriad nefol ddydd!
Wyf yma heb fy Naf, &c.

Yn wastad gyda Duw!
  Fy Nhad boed hyn i mi!
A gad im' yma hefyd fyw
  Yn agos atat Ti,
Wyf yma heb fy Naf, &c.

Pan rwygo'r llen yn ddwy
  O dan fy olaf chwyth,
Nid angeu fydd fy angeu mwy,
  Ond bywyd bery byth.
Wyf yma heb fy Naf, &c.
cyf. J A Jackson, Llanelwy.
Hymnau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

[Mesur: MBD 6686D]: Tunes [SMD 6686D]:
Nes i Dre (Isaac B Woodbury 1819-1858)

gwelir: Mor agos ambell waith

Constantly with God!
  May this be for me, Amen!
Through the portal of mortality
    I shall go to live
  Forever within the curtain.
I am here without my Master
  Far from my heavenly country,
Despite this, every night,
    my tent I shall make
  Nearer to my Father's house.

So near many a time
  To the penetrating view of faith,
Is my Father's house and my journey's end,
  And the break of heavenly day!
I am here without my Master, &c.

Constantly with God!
  My Father, may this be for me!
And let my also live
  Near to thee,
I am here without my Master, &c.

When the curtain tears in two
  Under my last breath,
Death shall not be my death any more,
  But life shall endure forever.
I am here without my Master, &c.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
"Forever with the Lord!"
  Amen, so let it be!
Life from His death
    is in that word
  'Tis immortality.
Here in the body pent,
  Absent from Him I roam,
Yet nightly pitch
    my moving tent
  A day's march nearer home.

My Father's house on high,
  Home of my soul, how near
At times to faith's foreseeing eye
  Thy golden gates appear!
Here in the body pent, &c.

"Forever with the Lord!"
  Forever in His will,
The promise of that faithful word,
  Lord, here in me fulfil.
Here in the body pent, &c.

So when my latest breath
  Breaks through the veil of pain,
By death I shall escape from death,
  And life eternal gain.
Here in the body pent, &c.
1835 James Montgomery 1771-1854

Original English Version

Tunes [SMD 6686D]:
Nearer Home (Isaac B Woodbury 1819-1858)
Terra Beata (English melody / Franklin Sheppard)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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